Coastal Pediatric Dentistry Blog
When Should Children Start Brushing and Flossing?
January 27, 2022
No matter how many kids you have, you may be wondering when it’s the appropriate time for them to start brushing and flossing. Maybe with the first and second, you “winged” it,” but now that you have another, you want to make sure you do it right. Your children’s oral health in San Luis Obispo matters, so inquiring about this pivotal task is a positive first step. In this article, you’ll learn how you can tell it’s time to introduce your child to the necessity of brushing and flossing so their teeth and gums remain healthy and strong for years to come.
(more…)3 Ways to Make the Tooth Fairy More Meaningful
December 28, 2021
Childhood can be so magical. The smallest detail can create great wonder in the eyes of a child. As a parent, you want to help your child enjoy these moments for as long as possible, and one popular way of bringing imagination and fun into a child’s life is with the Tooth Fairy.
In your house, the Tooth Fairy can go beyond the typical myth, and you can make it your own. The next time your child loses a tooth, try these fun ways to welcome the Tooth Fairy. By implementing them and paying attention to the details, you can make magic feel more real for both of you!
(more…)3 Reasons Your Child Needs a Customized Mouthguard
November 25, 2021
Is your child physically active in sports? Do they enjoy taking to the field, court, or track? If you’re like most parents, you want to ensure they are equipped with appropriate protective gear, but you may not realize you’re missing one vital component – a mouthguard. Here are three reasons you should talk to your child’s pediatric dentist about having a customized protective mouthpiece created before their next game.
(more…)Your Child’s Oral Health: 3 Facts You May Not Know That Can Make a Big Difference
September 1, 2021
When it comes to learning about children’s dentistry in San Luis Obispo, there are many unique facts and statistics you made be unaware of as a parent of a young child. With so many opinions and so-called “experts” on the internet, it can sometimes be difficult to decipher which information you should pay attention to. To help you navigate the process and help you become better informed, a pediatric dentist is here to share 3 unique facts about your child’s dental health that may have you making some drastic changes to ensure the health and safety of their smile.
(more…)3 Ways to Help a Teething Baby Sleep
July 22, 2021
Is your baby fussy? Do they constantly gnaw on their hands? Are they drooling excessively? Are both of you unable to get adequate sleep? If so, welcome to the teething stage. On average, a baby’s teeth will begin to erupt around 6 months of age. This process often continues until your child reaches the age of 3. With each new tooth pushing through the gums, it can cause pain, discomfort, and exhaustion. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help your baby find relief as well as sleep through the night. Here are 3 tips to consider that will help your little one through the teething process.
(more…)A Brief, Simple Guide to When Baby Teeth Come In and Fall Out
March 8, 2021
As a concerned new parent, you monitor your little one’s development closely to make sure that they are healthy and reaching milestones as they should. While other babies have grown most of their primary teeth, your toddler is still missing some, and you begin to wonder if you should be worried.
At what point should all baby teeth be grown in, and when should you start expecting your child to lose them? Each kid is different and may be an early or late bloomer when it comes to getting and losing their teeth. As long as you continue to bring your child in for checkups as they grow, your children’s dentist can keep an eye out for any abnormalities or developmental issues. However, here is information that can give you some peace of mind moving forward.
(more…)Why Seeing a Pediatric Dentist is Beneficial for Teens
January 6, 2021
If you recall your teenage years, you probably thought you knew more than your parents, right? Now that you’re the adult, your growing teen might feel as if they’re simply “too cool” or “too mature” to keep seeing a pediatric dentist. The truth is that although they are close to adulthood, there are still many advantages that can come with them seeing a dentist for kids. Read on to learn what benefits can come from maintaining this relationship until they reach the age of 18.
(more…)4 Reasons for Your Teen to Stay with a Pediatric Dentist
May 2, 2020
Like it or not, your child is growing up—in fact, they’re a teenager! Maybe they’re even learning how to drive and filling out college applications. In some ways, they seem ready to take on the world. You may find yourself wondering whether your teen is ready for a general dentist instead of a pediatric dentist. Even though your child isn’t so little anymore and is close to becoming an adult, a pediatric dentist still has much to offer. Here are some reasons to keep your child there for a few years longer. (more…)
When Will It Be Safe to Take My Kids to the Pediatric Dentist?
April 7, 2020
Over the past several weeks, you’ve likely been tracking the spread of COVID-19 across the world and taken precautions to make sure it doesn’t affect you and your loved ones. You probably also have had to make several adjustments to your usual routine through at-home schooling, working from home, and social distancing throughout this pandemic. If you’re like most parents out there, you’re wondering when it will be safe for life to “reopen” and return to normal again!
As your trusted pediatric dentist, our team at Coastal Pediatric Dentistry wants you to know that our focus has always been and always will be on your child’s well-being. While COVID-19 poses a threat, we’ll be prepared when the time comes to welcome back our young patients to our practice.
(more…)How to Pull a Baby Tooth the Right Way
February 15, 2020
Whether you like it or not, your child is growing up fast. One day, they come running up, excited to show you—they have their first loose baby tooth. Although you’ve seen viral videos of ways people have pulled baby teeth, some of those methods seem ineffective or even dangerous. You want to make sure you do it properly so that your child can have happy memories of this milestone and look forward to their other teeth becoming loose as well. Read on to learn more about how to pull a baby tooth safely.