620 California Blvd Suite G, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401Located in the California Medical Center

July 22, 2021

a baby lying in bed holding a teddy bear and teething in Hinsdale

Is your baby fussy? Do they constantly gnaw on their hands? Are they drooling excessively? Are both of you unable to get adequate sleep? If so, welcome to the teething stage. On average, a baby’s teeth will begin to erupt around 6 months of age. This process often continues until your child reaches the age of 3. With each new tooth pushing through the gums, it can cause pain, discomfort, and exhaustion. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help your baby find relief as well as sleep through the night. Here are 3 tips to consider that will help your little one through the teething process.
