620 California Blvd Suite G, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401Located in the California Medical Center

March 8, 2021

baby smiling with baby teeth

As a concerned new parent, you monitor your little one’s development closely to make sure that they are healthy and reaching milestones as they should. While other babies have grown most of their primary teeth, your toddler is still missing some, and you begin to wonder if you should be worried.

At what point should all baby teeth be grown in, and when should you start expecting your child to lose them? Each kid is different and may be an early or late bloomer when it comes to getting and losing their teeth. As long as you continue to bring your child in for checkups as they grow, your children’s dentist can keep an eye out for any abnormalities or developmental issues. However, here is information that can give you some peace of mind moving forward.
