620 California Blvd Suite G, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401Located in the California Medical Center

4 Reasons for Your Teen to Stay with a Pediatric Dentist

May 2, 2020

group of smiling teenagers

Like it or not, your child is growing up—in fact, they’re a teenager! Maybe they’re even learning how to drive and filling out college applications. In some ways, they seem ready to take on the world. You may find yourself wondering whether your teen is ready for a general dentist instead of a pediatric dentist. Even though your child isn’t so little anymore and is close to becoming an adult, a pediatric dentist still has much to offer. Here are some reasons to keep your child there for a few years longer.

Your Teen Is Still Growing.

Just because your teen doesn’t have any baby teeth left, it doesn’t mean that their smile is finished growing. Their face and jaw continue to develop throughout the teenage years. This process is a major part of what pediatric dentists specialize in during their training. They can monitor your child’s development and anticipate potential problems, leading to early intervention and treatment.

Your Teen Has Specific Needs.

Whether your teen has braces or is active in sports, their dental needs may require extra attention. A pediatric dentist knows exactly how to handle these unique situations so that your child’s smile stays healthy and protected. In addition, older teens may have issues with their wisdom teeth, which typically arrive before age 25, and their pediatric dentist can keep a sharp eye out for these teeth. If the wisdom teeth erupt at an angle, overcrowd the teeth, or cause other issues, your child’s trusted dentist can then handle the situation in a comfortable environment.

Your Teen Is Learning Independence.

Although your child has long since learned how to tie their shoe independently, they are still likely learning necessary life skills. For instance, no matter how many times you tell them, your teen doesn’t seem to get the concept of cleaning their room or putting their dishes in the dishwasher. They are still forming habits that they will need to function as a responsible adult, including their oral hygiene habits. At a pediatric dentist’s office, education is a top priority. The staff can make sure your teen understands the importance of daily oral hygiene and has the proper instruction for doing so efficiently.

Your Teen Needs Consistency.

The teenage years are full of transitions and changes. In this constant state of flux, your child can feel lost and confused. Although your teen will eventually need to switch to a general dentist at some point in the future, it doesn’t have to occur while so many other things are changing. By keeping some things—no matter how small—consistent in your child’s life, you can help them through this transitory period.

While you may not be cooing at every little smile your child gives now that they’re a teen, you still want them to have a confident, radiant smile. The best resource you can turn to during these years of change is with the pediatric dentist for teens.

About the Practice

Coastal Pediatric Dentistry is proud to have two talented, compassionate, and skilled pediatric dentists on staff. With 13 years of clinical experience, Dr. James Forester is a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Kristine Fu’s training and expertise includes restorative dentistry; nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and general anesthesia; and management of medically compromised children. To schedule an appointment at Coastal Pediatric Dentistry, click here.