620 California Blvd Suite G, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401Located in the California Medical Center

Teething Remedies From Your Pediatric Dentist

December 21, 2017

Crying baby experiencing tooth pain. Drooling, gum tenderness and irritability are all signs of a teething baby. These symptoms also result in an unhappy baby who may be fussy and keep its parents up at night. The good news is there are some steps you can take to help your child through this new phase, and in the end, they are getting baby teeth that will help them learn to eat and talk! Your pediatric dentist shares some helpful tips for calming a teething baby.

Massage Their Gums

Using your finger or a moistened gauze pad to massage your babies’ gums can be very soothing and help ease their discomfort.

Eliminate the Drool

Along with teething comes a lot of drool, and this can dry out and irritate your baby’s skin. Keep a soft washcloth nearby to wipe your baby’s chin, and you might consider putting a soothing moisturizer on your baby’s skin to prevent irritation.

Use Cool Items

A chilled teething ring or washcloth can also help ease discomfort. Be sure not to freeze the teething ring because contact with extreme cold can be painful.

Hard Chilled Foods

A chilled carrot or cucumber can be comforting to chew on during teething. The cold helps ease discomfort while chewing aids the teething process. Just be careful that small pieces of the food don’t become a choking hazard.

Use Over-the-Counter Medication

You might consider using acetaminophen (Tylenol), or ibuprofen (Motrin) if nothing else seems to relieve your baby’s discomfort.

When Baby Teeth Arrive

When your child’s teeth arrive, you should begin brushing with a soft brush designed for infants. It’s also an excellent time to contact your pediatric dentist to schedule your child’s first dental visit.

These early visits will help acclimate your child to visiting the dentist, so they feel comfortable for future visits. It also allows the dentist to monitor their oral health and make you aware of any concerns early on.

If you have questions about teething or your child’s first dental visit, please give your pediatric dentist a call today to learn more.

About Coastal Pediatric Dentistry

Patients who choose Coastal Pediatric Dentistry as their early dental home love Dr. James Forester and his team. Truly a kid at heart, Dr. Forester puts his patients at ease and delivers dentistry in a fun and upbeat environment. We’ll provide high-quality care for your child from birth to age 18 years old.

If you would like to contact Dr. Forester, he can be reached through his website or by calling 805-592-2020.