620 California Blvd Suite G, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401Located in the California Medical Center

June 1, 2017

little girl smilingYou’ve watched your child at the playground a thousand times before, so it’s easy for you to tell that something is a bit off today. They don’t seem to be enjoying themselves as much as they usually do. During the car ride home, you ask them if everything is OK. As soon as they look up at you, you know everything isn’t ok, even before they say, “My tooth hurts!” When you get home, you immediately take a look in their mouth. You’re suddenly filled with a basic question, “How do I know if my child has a cavity?” Cavities are very common for young children, so it’s useful for parents to know how to spot them early. Today, your friendly-neighborhood pediatric dentist in San Luis Obispo, Dr. James Forester, is going to answer this basic question, and let you know how to avoid more cavities in the future.
